Wednesday, May 15, 2013


A while back, I found a homemade creamer recipe link on Pinterest and decided that I would eventually make a bunch for a coffee bar type thing at our next shindig.

Well, the recipe that I used didn't claim to need a glass bottle, but another one that I found (I know it's in German, so here's an English one) claimed the creamer would taste better out of a glass.  Sooo... I bought a 4 pack of the Starbucks Mocha frappachino drinks from the store.  Once we drank them all (took forever as they aren't that tasty) I wanted to remove the labels.

The hubby suggested putting them into hot water to remove the labels, but not too hot as it would break the glass.
Three was the maximum in this pot.

The labels came off slowly, took about 5 minutes roughly.

Ugh, the label left a lovely residue on the bottle.

Originally, I thought I could take off all the sticky glue with finger nail polish remover. Nope. Didn't work. At all.  After some research on line, I tried soaking paper towels in white vinegar and wrapped them around the glass and left them sit for an hour.

I actually left it there about 2 hours. After one hour it didn't budge... still.

Even after two plus hours of soaking in white vinegar, it still took some extra strength to scrub it off with the soaked paper towel.

FINALLY... let's get to the Baileys/Creamer.... in another post.  

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