Monday, July 21, 2014

He likes to pinch.

I've been in a crafting rut trying to make a dalek for my hubby for literally three plus months, but stalling out around the head part.  It's not a fun pattern, to be honest. I wanted something fast, simple, and cute.  Since it was going to be for my hubby, I thought of his favorite Honda commercial where a crab goes "I like to pinch" - he uses it as an excuse to pinch people. Sigh.

I went on Pinterest and found a free crab pattern that worked beautifully.  Super easy, relatively fast, and very cute.

The claws!

One issue (and it's not even a big one) - the pattern doesn't tell you to make two claws. I did everything and realized I was missing something... d'oh! Oh well. Easy fix.  

This was a really quick project... which is something that I liked.

The hubby didn't want a mouth on him. He asked for a mustache, but then changed his mind. Hmm.

Look at the legs. So cute.

He took a ride on the Domino...

Since I gave up on his Dalek, I made the crab a beanie out of the unfinished Dalek head. 

It's pretty awesome as a beanie.


UPDATE: I crocheted a blue crab.... A Maryland blue crab... Tee hee. 

He's so cute. 

The yarn I used was different material, more slick so he turned out to be a smaller gauge than the red one.
Hooray crafting!

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