Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ladies and Gentleman.... Nina, the newest member to this sewing family.

Many of you don't know what I've been sewing on the past two years.  I learned on my Mom's 1970's something when I was little, but three years back I inherited my Grandma's sewing machine. An early 20th century White built-into-a-piece-of-furniture-collectible.  It's a great machine, got it up and running by a local sewing machine witch doctor out here, but I didn't like using it too much (the feed dogs and I didn't get along -- I now know that it was probably the low quality thread I was using that was the issue).  So I conned my dad into buying me an even older Singer.

Me happily fixing a cornhole beanbag for a friend... see my lovely Pinta? She's sitting on top of Santa Maria.  You'll get the names in a second.

All Pinta does is a straight stitch, which worked wonderfully for many years on many newbie projects.  But my mother-in-law (which is awesome) noticed that I needed a little more.  She's the one to blame for my interest in sewing and crafting and she has this vast amount of knowledge and experience.  It's pretty epic to have only a phone call away when I can't figure something out or when I need to dork out on a sewing thing. 

As a Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, Good Job finishing your Master's gift, my hubby and her went in together and got me a Bernina 1230 machine.  IT HAS SO MANY BUILT IN STITCHES.

I'll call her Nina. So I've got three sewing machines... the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria... BOLDLY SEWING INTO A NEW WORLD. *a-hem*

You have no idea how thrilled I am to have this machine. LET THE SEWING HARDER AND CRAZIER STITCHES BEGIN!

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